Atlas | Birth

Atlas’ arrival is the first one I have had the honor of documenting since we moved to Tennessee.

Jess and Dustin were amazing from that start. I emailed Jess with an idea before our consultation. “I was just thinking..” “If you want to write a letter (doesn’t have to be anything long) to the baby.”

Jess - “Yesss I love that idea!”

I got there the day of our consultation and immediately clicked with them. We shared so many laughs and stories. Then it came time to record her reading the letter. I was FLOORED. It was certainly meant to be that I would have this idea with THIS client. Her words to her future daughter were so beautiful, I was holding back tears as I filmed them. I then learned that Jess writes her owns songs (go figure) and plays guitar. She’s lucky that I didn’t have that information prior to, or I may have asked her to write/play something for me to put the video to. ;)

Fast forward — I get a text indicating that Jess may be in labor. I was SO excited. I spent all day glued to my phone waiting for updates and waiting for the “signal” to head that way. When I arrived, I met the rest of her amazing birth team. Angie, her midwife, and Chelsea, her doula. We were all told to help ourselves to anything in the kitchen and that they bought us a rotisserie chicken. (YUM)

Jess handled the first stages of labor so gracefully. She was more concerned about how everyone else was feeling. “Are you okay?” “Are you comfortable?” We had to remind her that SHE was the one in labor. haha. She also offered a “thank you” for literally any act of care or thing she was offered. She really is an angel.

While Jess may not have been able to bring Atlas into this world in the comfort of her own home, she was able to labor there completely. Her midwife helped her make the decision to head to the hospital for more support in case the baby needed it. The staff at the hospital was great. They quickly admitted her and the doctor was in the room within minutes to assist with delivery. Atlas was born perfectly healthy within a couple of contractions and pushes.

“It’s a real freaking baby!” - Jess. This has got to be the best thing I’ve ever heard at a birth.

She is here, all are healthy, and she is in fact a real freaking baby. <3

If you are looking for a Northeast TN (Kingsport, Bristol, Rogersville, Johnson City, Knoxville and surrounding areas) Birth photographer or videographer - Inquire Here!

Miles | Fresh 48

Fresh 48 sessions have turned into one of my favorite kind of sessions. I absolutely loved watching Autumn meet her baby brother. These moments are so new, so fresh, so raw.

Let me help you recall the details long after they may be forgotten. <3

Due to the on call nature of Fresh 48 photography, availability is limited. If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Fresh 48 Photography session - Inquire Here!

Mae | Birth

“9 months” is always the amount of time people say when referring to pregnancy. Technically, it’s 40 weeks which is more like 10 months. But not for Caroling. Her baby was still quite comfortable in their warm, cozy home at 42 weeks and had to coaxed out with an induction. This surprise gender baby had a waiting room full of excited family members waiting to hear the news! It was so fun being able to see their reactions and watch everyone meet this precious baby GIRL. Welcome to the world Mae!

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Birth photographer - Inquire Here!

Baby L | Birth

It is always an honor to be welcomed into a birth space. I do not take that invitation lightly. And to be asked back in again, it honestly brings on all the feels. I photographed the birth of this couple’s first daughter almost 2 years ago. I posted a birth calendar update and not long after I received a panicked text saying she was almost in tears. My response “Tell me you’re pregnant?! :)” She then proceeded to tell me that she saw I was booked for the month of her due date. Turns out, she was due THE DAY before my sister’s wedding (which I was MOH for) We made a deal that she wouldn't have her baby that day and thank goodness baby girl listened!

The next morning, October 12th, we kept chatting back and fourth. Things weren’t progressing as quickly as she was hoping so she said to hold off on heading to the hospital. 4 mins after that text, “Definitely come! 7 cm 100% effaced” Precisely 1 min after that I was in my car and “On my way!” I’ve reached the half way point of my drive and ding oh who am I kidding.. my birth client’s text tone is more like EHH! EHH! EHH!!


Yup. Five exclamation marks.

I remained calm and continued to drive the speed limit.. * wink wink * I call Crouse and explain the situation, asking to use their valet parking. To which they graciously obliged. At the stop light I whip out my camera and put on my lense. Once I got there they even had an elevator held for me. I race up to the 7th floor and am honestly just hoping I don’t hear a baby crying once I get to her room. I walk in and thankfully, mama is still pregnant!

About a half hour later, “It’s a girl!” <3

I am so thankful that I was able to be there for this birth. And while Dad says 2 is the magic number, I’ll be over here hopping for baby #3. ;)

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Birth Photographer - Inquire Here!

Carmen | Birth

I had 3 births in a matter of 5 days. I was pretty sure the hospital had become my new home. And, I wasn’t upset about that. Minus the mediocre food and lack of sleep. ;) These births were all perfectly spaced throughout the month of June. But what can you do? Babies are on their own schedule! :)

Jenna started having contractions the day before. And since she was about 2 weeks early I was thinking it could possibly be braxton hicks and that she might end up being sent home. Nope! Carmen was ready to meet her mama and daddy! Jenna labored like and absolutely champ and pushed for maybe 10 mins before miss Carmen made her debut. Carmen is perfect. And she is SO lucky to have the awesome family she was welcomed in to.

Here are a few of my favorite images.

And Carmen’s birth video.<3

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Birth Photographer - Inquire Here!

Waylon | Birth

There was something about this birth that really struck a chord for me. It may have been the way I watched Joe dote upon Morgan as she labored for hours upon hours. Or the fact that they had waited 4 years for this moment. Then listening to Morgan’s mom choking up as she prayed over the labor and the three of them, I almost lost it. It felt like a little glimpse into the future. The moments I hope to share with my own daughters some day. Here are a few of my favorite images from this beautiful experience.

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) birth photographer - Inquire Here!

Naomi | Maternity

Karsyn’s due date is quickly approaching! (and he seems like he might even make an early appearance) Gracie was one of my first births to photograph and I am so thrilled to be able to document her baby brothers arrival as well. We can’t wait to meet you Karsyn!

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Maternity Photography session - Inquire Here!

Sawyer | Birth

Sawyers birth environment was exactly the way a baby should enter the world. His mama gracefully endured a long, hard labour of love. His daddy was by her side through it all, helping in any way he physically and emotionally could. They truly labored together, and words can not describe how beautiful it was. With a room full of people ready to meet him, even more waiting by their phones for updates, and his amazing parents just wanting to see his sweet face, Sawyer made his grand entrance already surrounded by love. 

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Birth Photography session - Inquire Here!