Carmen | Birth

I had 3 births in a matter of 5 days. I was pretty sure the hospital had become my new home. And, I wasn’t upset about that. Minus the mediocre food and lack of sleep. ;) These births were all perfectly spaced throughout the month of June. But what can you do? Babies are on their own schedule! :)

Jenna started having contractions the day before. And since she was about 2 weeks early I was thinking it could possibly be braxton hicks and that she might end up being sent home. Nope! Carmen was ready to meet her mama and daddy! Jenna labored like and absolutely champ and pushed for maybe 10 mins before miss Carmen made her debut. Carmen is perfect. And she is SO lucky to have the awesome family she was welcomed in to.

Here are a few of my favorite images.

And Carmen’s birth video.<3

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) Birth Photographer - Inquire Here!

Waylon | Birth

There was something about this birth that really struck a chord for me. It may have been the way I watched Joe dote upon Morgan as she labored for hours upon hours. Or the fact that they had waited 4 years for this moment. Then listening to Morgan’s mom choking up as she prayed over the labor and the three of them, I almost lost it. It felt like a little glimpse into the future. The moments I hope to share with my own daughters some day. Here are a few of my favorite images from this beautiful experience.

If you are looking for a CNY (Syracuse, Pulaski, Rome, Oneida, Watertown, Camden and surrounding areas) birth photographer - Inquire Here!